Alright I got it working in msys. I had to install it to c:\Program
Files\Chicken using CMake and then make sure that it was in my msys PATH,
which it was by default, and then I deleted the previous ones I
had installed in /local/bin.  Now it runs well, but unfortunately I think
MSYS pipes stdout to a file, so csi is pretty unusable, so I have to use
it in the windows command prompt.


On Mon, 11 Dec 2006, Brandon J. Van Every wrote:

> Matthew David Parker wrote:
> > Well, I actually just wrote that wrong, it's installed to /usr/local/bin
> >
> > The reason why I don't want it in C:\program files\chicken is because I
> > have everything else I need for my project installed in msys, such as SDL
> > and all its varients.
> >
> > The autoconf setup in msys works very well, except for making the "\" when
> > it should be "/".  Shouldn't there be some way to change this in the
> > configure script?
> >
> I'm not going to get into the business of understanding and improving
> the autoconf scripts any more than I already have.  They are legacy.  I
> want you to use CMake.
> We would certainly take a patch to the configure script, if you can
> figure out what's wrong with it.  We'd even take, "here's what's wrong,
> here's how you fix it" as opposed to a formal patch.
> I'm much more motivated to address CMake problems on MSYS.  However, I'm
> unable to reproduce your problem.  Using my CMake MSYS shell:
> PATH='.:/usr/local/bin:/mingw/bin:/bin:/e/Program
> Files/Chicken/bin:/e/Program F
> iles/CMake
> 2.4/bin:/e/Tcl/bin:/e/WINNT/system32:/e/WINNT:/e/WINNT/System32/Wbem:
> /e/Program Files/darcsdir-w32:/e/Program Files/wscite:/e/Program
> Files/Astyle/bi
> n:/e/Program Files/XEmacs/XEmacs-21.4.19/i586-pc-win32:/e/Program
> Files/cvsnt:/e
> /Python24:/e/Perl/bin:/e/GnuWin32/bin:/e/sbcl/0.9.12/bin:/e/Program
> Files/QuickT
> ime/QTSystem/:/e/devel/src/glew/lib:.:/e/Program Files/CMake
> 2.4/bin:/e/Program
> Files/darcsdir-w32'
> Brandon J. Van [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~
> $ csc x.scm
> Brandon J. Van [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~
> $ ls x.*
> x.exe  x.scm
> However, that may not be the end of it.  I use a non-standard MSYS
> shell, from the mingw-install project.
>  Once upon a time, I found
> autoconf support so abysmal in the standard MSYS installation, that I
> dumped it and went with this other guy's packaging, which actually
> works.  Reading the MSYS archives, they're actually very lazy / hostile
> about Autoconf support.  Which surprised me, because I thought one of
> the main points of MSYS was to run Autoconf.  Apparently not!
> My x.scm is attached.  Please send me your, on the slight chance
> that the problem is file dependent.
> I will try installing a Chicken to /usr/local/bin and see if that gives
> me any problems.  Meanwhile, please install a CMake version to
> C:\Program Files\Chicken, put C:\Program Files\Chicken\bin in your PATH,
> and see if that solves your problems.
> Cheers,
> Brandon Van Every

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