On Tue, 26 Dec 2006 17:42:48 +0900, Daishi Kato <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The http-server-form-posts works perfectly for my need,
except for the following:

a) I want to parse body by itself, and no procedure is exported for
it. My workaround is:
                      (http:make-request 'dummy 'dummy 'dummy body))

Something like that should probably be included.

b) form-field-list->form-field-alist does not provide a pure alist, my
workaround is:
(define (form-field-list->form-field-alist form-field-list)
 (fold (lambda (field acc)
         (cons (cons (form-field:name field)
                     `((content-type . ,(form-field:content-type field))
                       (file-name . ,(form-field:file-name field))
                       (body . ,(if (string? (form-field:body field))
                                    (form-field:body field)
                                     (form-field:body field))))))
       '() form-field-list))

I didn't include a "form-field->alist" procedure as I couldn't really see any 
gains on top of just using the record accessors.  Is there a reason why you prefer not to 
use them?

Also, I noticed that nested multiparts is not handled well,
although I'm not using nested multiparts.

Thanks, I'll fix that.  What are you using this for, out of curiosity?

Moe Aboulkheir

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