2007/1/11, felix winkelmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
On 1/10/07, minh thu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've used PRINT, DISPLAY, WRITE, and NEWLINE in a thread created from
> csi (the actual
> thread-making function is in a .so). The thread is just a loop waiting
> one second before the next
> iteration. Strangely, I tried many times, and some times I have no
> output but got NEWLINE. Another time I had output. I used FLUSH-OUTPUT
> but it changed nothing.

Do you run csi in a console window or in emacs? Is this on a UNIX system?

Oh sorry, it is in a console in linux.
I see the (previous) text scrolling because the NEWLINE seems to work
but each line is blank.

> Is it possible to require-extension on different extensions but each
> of them having the same exported functions, for example by putting
> explicitly the extension in a namespace when requiring it ?

No, you would have to use a module system (like provided by
syntax-case, for example).
I will look at it.

> Is there support for choosing a version of an extension, for example
> if the new version deprecates something my application uses ?

No, this is currently not possible.

> Something like mailbox wraps an adt. Is it possible to write it so the
> user of the extension can choose another adt to be wrapped (without
> compiling) ?

Could you elaborate on this? Do you want to let the user specify the
actual record type, or it's contents?
The record type.
Say mailbox use a list-based queue implementation (so 'mailbox' in the
following sentences is a hypothetical one).
Could I provide another implementation of a queue to be used by mailbox?
Or could the author of mailbox make it possible by providing different
implementations ?
I don't know module systems but maybe my question is wheter we can
parametrize a module when loading (instanciating ?) it.

Thank you,

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