Shawn Rutledge wrote:
On 2/5/07, Brandon J. Van Every <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Shawn Rutledge wrote:
>  And it needs to run at
> maximum efficiency at every scale of device.

Why?  Microsoft owns most of the world and doesn't share your passion
here.  I've gone bankrupt on premature optimization.  I'm wondering
where you think you'll get the support resources for such a lofty goal?

Least of all do I care what MS thinks because I don't have any passion
or admiration for most of their stuff; do you?

None. I just moved from the Seattle metro area to Spokane, if that tells you anything. I don't know whether I'll be moving back.

Anyway as you know "maximum efficiency" is an
asymptote, a matter of continuous improvement.

I'm not even sure that aiming towards the possibility of maximum efficiency is a reasonable design goal. And you stated it in much stronger terms above. "Needs to run at maximum efficiency." No it doesn't. It's an expensive obsession. Too expensive for most real world problems. Doesn't stop me from trying to do efficient stuff, but I've learned to bridle it some. The only way you can really do "maximally efficient" stuff, is if someone's paying you a lot of money to do it. Then you can spend oodles of hours dinking with the perfect designs, algorithms, and assembly codes. I wouldn't mind getting paid to do that sort of thing again, since it's my strong suit and I do tend to obsess about it. But lately no one's asking.

Brandon Van Every

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