What version of SWIG are you using? I've seen this problem with
versions prior to 1.3.29. 


"Tony Sidaway" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I tried a big SWIG wrap on part of a C++ library.  This generated a
> .cxx wrap file and a .scm file.
> The build sequence I'm using is this:
>       $(CHICKEN) tvision.scm -output-file otvision.c
>        $(CXX) --shared otvision.c tvision_wrap.cxx -o tvision.so
> `rhtv-config --include` `rhtv-config --cppflags` `rhtv-config
> --dir-libs` `rhtv-config --dlibs` -lchicken
> This seems to build to a tvision.so file, but when I install that and
> (use tvision), I get this:
> ersion 2.524 - linux-unix-gnu-x86 - [ libffi dload ptables applyhook cmake ]
> (c)2000-2007 Felix L. Winkelmann
> ; loading /home/me/.csirc ...
> ; loading /usr/local/lib/chicken/1/readline.so ...
> ; loading library regex ...
> #;1> (use tvision)
> ; loading /usr/local/lib/chicken/1/tvision.so ...
> Error: (load) unable to load compiled module
> "/usr/local/lib/chicken/1/tvision.so"
> "/usr/local/lib/chicken/1/tvision.so: undefined symbol:
> _ZN6TGroup7matchesEP5TView"
>        Call history:
>        <syntax>                (use tvision)
>        <syntax>                (##core#require-extension (quote tvision))
>        <syntax>                (begin (begin (##sys#require (quote
> tvision))) (##core#undefined))
>        <syntax>                (begin (##sys#require (quote tvision)))
>        <syntax>                (##sys#require (quote tvision))
>        <syntax>                (quote tvision)
>        <syntax>                (##core#undefined)
>        <eval>          (##sys#require (quote tvision)) <--
> I'm a bit new to Swig wraps. Is this a common problem? If so, what
> have I done wrong?

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