As far as structured text editors for Scheme go, there is Emacs +
paredit.el, which I like a lot.  Though written in elisp, paredit
could certainly give you ideas if you are looking to write your own
editor in Scheme.    See,
especially paredit.release, paredit-beta.el and paredit-beta.html.

On 3/1/07, Kon Lovett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Mar 1, 2007, at 9:09 AM, minh thu wrote:
> Do you think it's a good idea to write a kind of advanced
> libreadline/editor which operates on S-EXPs, not on strings ? To
> manage source code, documenting it, ...

Remember source code has textual comments that are not s-exps. Also,
forms like '#;' & '#|...|#' are invisible to the reader but should be
visible to a source editor.

Yes, a Scheme source editor in Scheme would be nice. An essential
component of a "pure" Chicken IDE. However, it must deal w/ embedded
C-family code, textual comments, etc. Not an easy proposition.

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