2007/3/2, minh thu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
2007/3/2, Zbigniew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Eh, while I'm at it, here's one that converts to a more canonical
> Scheme style.  Again untested.  Not totally happy with it as stuff
> like gl:vertex3iv and gl:tex-coord2iv should probably be gl:vertex/3iv
> and gl:tex-coord/2iv (maybe hyphen instead of slash) for readability.
> This was just an example anyway.
> http://3e8.org/pub/opengl-hyphen-shim.scm

Fine !
At gl:ext-blend-color (commas remain), also are gl:THE_CONSTANTS
correct scheme style ?
Sorry, stupid me, I was talking about the token at the far right ...


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