On 3/12/07, Carlos Pita <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

continuing with the easyffi saga :) I would like to hear your
suggestions about the best way to get c++ default args. One alternative
would be to rename the original method using ___declare(rename...)
directive, and then define a tinyclos method with an #!optional clause
that just delegates to the renamed method. I think it would be better to
directly invoke the underlying foreign-lambda to avoid the
generic->generic->foreign-lambda invocation chain which would incur into
possibly expensive method resolution twice. But I don't know how to
reference this hipotetical foreign-lambda (maybe an stub with a criptic
name that keeps no resemblance to the original one). Btw, is there any
way to inspect the macroexpanded ffi-level output of the #> <# sections
so I can tweak with more confidence?

Compile with "-debug F" to see the generated code.


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