Hi.   Only the basic #> ... <#  (or foreign-declare) is built into
Chicken; all this does is include the contents directly into the
generated C file.  If you use this method, you still have to write a
foreign-lambda so Scheme can see it.

If you want Chicken to do this for you, you can use #>? .. <#
(foreign-parse)  or #>! ... <# (foreign-parse/declare).  The former
does not insert the code, it just parses it and generates bindings in
Scheme.  The latter actually inserts it so you can write inline C

foreign-parse and foreign-parse/declare used to be built into Chicken,
but were split off into the easyffi egg in preparation for 2.5.  So it
is as official as it gets.

You can do everything you need with foreign-lambda or
foreign-primitive, but it is often more convenient to use the easyffi
wrapper.  And that's all easyffi is, an incredibly convenient wrapper.

On 4/3/07, Tato Norren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Mon, 2 Apr 2007 11:00:47 +0200, "minh thu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> 2007/4/2, minh thu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Question about the #> ... <# notation though. It seems
that this shorthand for foreign-declare is built into the main chicken
distribution as well as into the easyffi egg. Is easyffi the 'official'
ffi to use?

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