
From its homepage, "QuesoGLC is a free (as in free speech)
implementation of the OpenGL Character Renderer (GLC). QuesoGLC is
based on the FreeType library, provides Unicode support and is
designed to be easily ported to any platform that supports both
FreeType and the OpenGL API" [1]. It's under LGPL, the egg under BSD.

The glc egg is a complete (but not already tested) binding for
QuesoGLC 0.6, the latest version (2007-03-13).

This is my first egg release and some things are blurred.
In particular, I'd like to wait feedback from people on Windows and
MacOS before setting the version to 0.1.
If you have time, grep TODO on the sources, there're only four of them :)

I guess the egg will be available through chicken-setup only when I
make a version in /tags. So it's available for now from [2].

[1] http://quesoglc.sourceforge.net/
[2] svn co https://galinha.ucpel.tche.br/svn/chicken-eggs/glc


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