On 5/1/07, John Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Brandon Van Every scripsit:

> Ew.  Not a case use I remember thinking about, so wouldn't shock me if
> there's something wrong.  I'll look into it.

It's actually a pretty common circumstance when you are updating
your Chicken regularly from the darcs head.  In my case,
Chicken is in /usr/local, so the EXTANT_CHICKEN winds up being
/usr/local/bin/chicken-static.  Then I darcs pull, ccmake, make, and
make install, so the new version of chicken-static winds up overwriting
the old.  That's where the Linux version can't cope.

A straightforward fix would be to always copy EXTANT_CHICKEN to /tmp (or
C:\windows\temp) and run it from there.

Why do I have a sinking feeling about that?  Is it just that I don't want to
write the code for the dynamic case, or some greater can of worms?

I have found that on Cygwin, if I build with /usr/local/bin/chicken-
static.exe, with the intent of installing Chicken in /usr/local,
chicken-static.exe is never built and never installed.  The static libs are
built but not installed, which I find even more peculiar.  I get the same
behavior on MinGW with respect to C:\Program Files\Chicken\bin\chicken-
static.exe.  Perhaps CMake 2.4.6 has ad-hoc handling of circular
installation dependencies.  Linux is implementing a different policy than
Cygwin and MinGW.  I'll try out CMake CVS soon enough, but I can't make more
progress on this until my internet connectivity is restored.  I'm using
someone else's computer to send this.

Brandon Van Every
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