On 5/14/07, Peter Keller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Example 1

1. You statically link the openssl libraries into your application because
you can't guarantee that the target platform will have one. So, you move
your executable to a machine, start it up, and here is what could happen

2. The program loads the executable, the initializers are run, now some
memory space is initialized for openssl.

3. The program decides to call getpwnam() later, which the administrator
happens to have configured to use LDAP with an SSL backend.

4. The lazy load of the ldap resolver, which then brings in the ssl
library cause the dynamic ssl library initialization routines to be
run again.  If the two version of the libraries were the same, then
depending when this happens there might be no effect. If they are
different versions, either of the two ssl libraries will get confused
and probably segfault.

5. This is because the global variable space for both the static version
of the library and the dynamic version (probably) resolve to the same
symbol names, so they get trashed in the process space.

This resembles the case of PCRE.  We have our own code for this library.  To
create a dynamic libchicken, first we create a static libpcre.  The static
libpcre is compiled with shared flags, so that the .obj files are correct
with respect to PIC and can be used in the dynamic libchicken.  Can this
static-within-dynamic approach cause problems?  I did it this way because
libpcre is used over and over again during the build, like 7 different
times.  libpcre itself doesn't need to change, as it's only C code not
Chicken Scheme code, it isn't subject to Chicken Scheme notions of being
safe or unsafe, nor GUI vs. console.

What I really wanted, was a way to build .obj files and then reuse them in
different permutations of dynamic libraries.  I don't want the user to have
to type -lpcre when using Chicken, it should just be -lchicken.  Autoconf
supports so-called "convenience libraries" that allow you to turn everything
into 1 final library.  CMake does not, you have to either fake it or
recompile lotsa source files.  I chose to fake it, and I wonder if there's
anything incorrect or hazardous about the fake.

Brandon Van Every
Chicken-users mailing list

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