On May 14, 2007, at 1:39 PM, Brandon Van Every wrote:
On 5/14/07, Shawn W. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


CMake doesn't have framework support.  See
The issue is known but isn't getting attention. Bill Hoffman is interested in moving forwards on the issue, but could use prodding and assistance from the Mac community.

What is CMake? A replacement for generating makefiles with automake, or a whole new make derivative?

Does Autoconf have framework support?

I don't know why it would. You'd have to test that you're using gcc as a compiler and that it supports the -F and -framework options. I suppose someone could have wrapped that up into a m4 macro for use with autoconf...

Universal binary support to go along with that would be nice
too. The latter is easy to do. (Add '-arch i386 -arch ppc' to the
cflags used by the chicken compiler, and I /think/ everything will
work automagically. I'll test that.)

This can be done, but we really need a person with a Mac who's interested in using CMake. I can advise but I can't test this issue, I have no Mac. An interested person could put the issue into the bug tracker and CC: bvanevery.

libtool did not play well with my attempt to build chicken as a universal. I deeply detest libtool. I'd rather make an Xcode project for the chicken source than fight it -- and an Xcode project has the side benefit of making it easier to come up with a chicken framework for all the runtime libraries.

Shawn W.

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