On 5/16/07, Brandon Van Every <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 5/16/07, John Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Brandon Van Every scripsit:
> > Having the 2nd invocation of "make install" repeat the build from
> > scratch is not that important a bug, and all evidence says it's a
> > Linux specific bug.
> I'd like to see if it happens on a Solaris or BSD system.  I've been
> wondering if it might not be a general bug that's hidden on Windows
> systems because of the ".exe" suffix.  (I tried posting this to
> trac, but it kept telling me it was probably spam.)

Meanwhile I'd be testing on Fedora Core 6 if it weren't such a
!#$!#$%!%!%%!!@@#!!!  Is galinha timing out for anyone else, or is it just
my crappy cell phone support?  And wny does Yum want to download 2MB of crap
every time I type "yum list whatever" ?

Using Darcs head, I cannot reproduce the bug on Fedora Core 6, even when
overwriting an installed Chicken.  "make install" does what it's supposed to
do, no matter how many times invoked.  So, now I need you Linux guys to see
if the bug still exists in Darcs head.  Also, if you can get Trac accounts
working properly for yourselves, and add yourselves as CC: to ticket
http://trac.callcc.org/ticket/158 , I'd be much obliged.

Brandon Van Every
Chicken-users mailing list

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