On 20 Jun 2007, at 3:12 am, Graham Fawcett wrote:

Since Chicken continuations are serializable, you could also store
them as values in the cache. Not sure of a use-case, but there you

Interesting... Well, continuation-based web frameworks often want to
cache continuations. I'll have to take a look at a serialised
continuation; I've always wondered about how to serialise closures in

Hmmm, how to serialise them? (write mycont) just spits out an
unreadable object, "#<procedure (a6802 . results753)>"

Oh, I see, there's an s11n egg...

*plays about*


Personally, I'd only be interested in the memcached egg. If you're
implementing the memcached protocol (i.e. not depending upon a
libmemcache library) then having one common egg doesn't seem bad to
me. If there is a library dependency, then I'd vote for separating out
the library-dependent ones into a separate egg. (Note, there's a rule
(unwritten?) about providing only one extension module per egg.)

There's no external C library brought in, nah. This one's pure Scheme.

Either way, I'd like a subversion repository login, please. Whether
or not I have an egg called 'memcached' as well, I'll certainly make
an egg which I propose to innovatively called 'cache'.

Hm, maybe something a bit less generic? "Cubby", "pigeonhole", and
"haberdashery" are all available...

Ok, so that's one vote for separate 'memcached' and 'cache' eggs.

My favourite username is 'alaric', and my favourite colour is dark

(Dark blue?! Great, another one of those.) Good luck with the egg,




PS: I visited your blog; I was also the Akela of a Cub pack for many
happy years. Dyb-dyb-dyb on that egg! :-)

Where was that? I'm Cranham, Stroud&Tetbury district, Gloucestershire
county, UK...


Alaric Snell-Pym
Work: http://www.snell-systems.co.uk/
Play: http://www.snell-pym.org.uk/alaric/
Blog: http://www.snell-pym.org.uk/?author=4

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