On 6/27/07, John Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If you support Perl-style trailing letters, then you should be sure
to support "m" and "s" also.

Yes, that'd be useful. At present, though, I'm limited by the PCRE
options Chicken's `(regexp)' constructor exposes, and it only has 'i',
'x' and 'u'. I'll see about submitting a patch to the `regex' unit if
it looks like this can facilely be extended.

> Next, the `uri-literals' egg [3] allows facile use of URIs delimited
> by '<' and '>', a natural form already familiar from URL use in
> plain-text media:

I find this troubling, because although <...> are associated with URIs,
"#<...> has been associated for many years in the Lisp community
with non-rereadable syntax such as the "#<regex>" in your examples.
(Common Lisp actually makes this the default; "#<" signals an error.)
Loading this egg would cause "#<regex>" to be interpreted as a relative
URL.  I think you should find some alternative syntax.

Yes, I expected this objection :-)

In the context of where I'm using these URI literals, there is no
danger of ambiguity, but in general use I concede that there could
well be.

That said, I did experiment with various alternative URI literal forms
but did not particularly fancy any that I could come up with. The
present one has proven to be most useful despite the overloading of
"#<". Better ideas are welcome, though - that's why I'm posting here.

Arto Bendiken | http://bendiken.net/

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