Very helpful, thank you. Based on what I have learned from reading oleg's 
site I'm looking now at using the sql egg as a sort of "dbi". Good enough 
for now I think.

On Saturday 11 August 2007 09:11:17 pm Elf wrote:
> it might be beneficial to review oleg's site... he has a lot of good
> stuff on db interfaces and abstraction in scheme. (and iirc, has one or
> more pure scheme relational db implementations available.)
> -elf
> On Sat, 11 Aug 2007, Matthew Welland wrote:
> > First off, my heartfelt thanks to the mysql, sqlite(3) and postgresql
> > egg authors. Without the sqlite3 and postgresql eggs I would be stuck
> > on ruby or perl. Thank you!
> >
> > Perl, Ruby and Bigloo have available a single SQL interface for
> > accessing SQL db's. It is called DBI in Perl and Ruby and the RDBMS
> > library for Bigloo. The documentation for the Bigloo interface can be
> > found here:
> >
> >
> >
> > Has a similar approach for chicken been discussed or worked on? I was
> > thinking of building a primitive wrapper to achieve something like
> > this. My thought was to choose a subset of the sqlite3 api (my
> > favorite) and implement wrappers to postgresql (and perhaps one day
> > mysql). I'm stopped by the lack of calling with placeholders in the
> > existing postgresql driver. Parsing the queries to implement:
> >
> > (sqlite3:exec (db <sqlite3:database>) (sql <string>) . params)
> >
> > Where the sql includes simple parameters such as:
> >
> > (sqlite3:exec db "INSERT INTO foo(name,address) VALUES(?,?)" "bob"
> > "NY")
> >
> > Would be fairly easy but would that be enough to cover most usage or
> > would this break down quickly? Does anyone else see such a wrapper as
> > being useful?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Matt

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