The simplified build system makes it much easier to build on Windows.
Unfortunately, it also seems to have broken installing eggs.

I found a problem with the latest SVN check out of Chicken. chicken-setup
could download and compile extensions all right, but failed when copying
them because the paths passed to the copy command contained both forward-
and back-slashes. I've attached a patch that will, under Windows only, quote
any paths with forward slashes in them, which fixes the problem. I tested it
under Linux also (Ubuntu 7.04), and it still worked fine there.

Another option would be to change the appropriate make files to insert the
correct path separator for each OS. I played with doing that for a while,
but the combination of passing the paths in on the command line, running
them through make, and writing them to the C header file seemed error prone
and brittle.

I wasn't entirely sure where to send this, since it's more of a bug fix than
a bug report. If I need to post this to Trac, just let me know.

Thanks for a great product. I really appreciate all the work that's gone
into it.
Eric Rochester
Index: chicken-setup.scm
--- chicken-setup.scm	(revision 6017)
+++ chicken-setup.scm	(working copy)
@@ -140,7 +140,8 @@
 	  (system* "mkdir -p ~a" (quotewrap dir) ) ) ) ) )
 (define (quotewrap str)
-  (if (string-any char-whitespace? str)
+  (if (or (string-any char-whitespace? str)
+          (and *windows-shell* (string-any (lambda (c) (char=? c #\/)) str)))
       (string-append "\"" str "\"") 
       str) )
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