Once I spelled receive correctly it works like a champ. Thanks. I cannot
get over what a great language Scheme is and what a great system Chicken is.
Why would anyone use anything else?

Thanks again. What I was missing in trying to use receive was that the results
must be handled inside the body of the procedure.


Graham Fawcett wrote:
On 9/24/07, William Ramsay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
That's the problem, I don't know what to use.    I've tried call-with-values
and receive, but both give me errors, mostly because I have no idea what
I'm doing.
The call to (imlib:pixel img x y) should return the  r, g, b, a  values
of the  pixel.   Just calling it produces r.   The others are there, but how do 
 I get them?

I don't know imlib; but try:
(receive (r g b a) (imlib:pixel img x y)
  (print "r is " r)
  (print "b is " b))


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