Ozzi scripsit:

> (require-extension ...)
> (use ...)

These are exact synonyms:  require-extension is a superset of SRFI-55's,
whereas use is shorter and Chicken-specific.

The argument is a library unit or an egg name.  Both the interpreter
and the compiler accept these forms, and arrange to do the right thing.

> (require ...)

Procedure equivalent of require-extension, so the argument is evaluated.

> (include ...)

Includes the specified source file in the current interpreter or compiler
run as if it were physically incorporated.  The argument is a string
specifying the file.

> (load ...)

Loads and evaluates the specified source or object code.  It can read
from a port or from a file specified as a string.  Behaves identically
in interpreter and compiled code.

> (load-relative ...)

Same as load, but filenames are interpreted relative to the current
source file rather than the current directory.

> (load-noisily ...)

Same as load, but prints the values of top-level expressions.

> (load-library ...)

Loads the specified compiled library unit.  The unit is specified as
a symbol, the file to load from as a string, or by default the same as
the unit name.

> (declare (uses ...))

Compiler only.  Specifies compiled library units to load.

John Cowan   [EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://ccil.org/~cowan
You cannot enter here.  Go back to the abyss prepared for you!  Go back!
Fall into the nothingness that awaits you and your Master.  Go! --Gandalf

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