In addition to the bug I filed on this egg -

I have a question about common usage of this module.

I would like to produce one function, roll-fixed, which produces
pseudorandom numbers in the documented fashion of random-real and
random in SRFI-27. Such that the sequence of randoms (over a uniform
distribution) is predictable on each new startup of the intepreter:

(define *fixed-seed* (expt 7 5))

(define roll-fixed
  (let ([side-effect (set-seed *fixed-seed*)])
     (lambda (n)
        (if (zero? n)
            (random-integer-based-on-fixed-seed n)))))

Additionally, I would like a function, roll-truly-random, which again
can produce reals or integer randoms, but whose sequence of randoms
(over a uniform distribution) is different across each new startup of
the interpreter.

(define roll-truly-random
  (let ([side-effect (set-seed (truly-random-seed))])
     (lambda (n)
        (if (zero? n)
            (random-integer-based-on-truly-random-seed n)))))

I'm sorry to beg for such hand-holding, but it seems like the Issues
section of the docs does admit that this library could use a few good
examples. It also mentions that the API creates something of a hurdle
for my desire to have two distinct random structures available in two
distinct functions.

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