After I develop a function, I want to see what happens to the input
data as it hits each step of the function to make sure it is working
correctly. For example, in the following function:

(define (mraze a)
  (let* ([unboxed-a (unbox-array a)]
         [unboxed-l (array->list unboxed-a)]
         [item-shapes (map item-shape unboxed-l)]
         [data-ranks (map my-array-rank unboxed-l)]
    (if (all-equal? = item-shapes)
        (if (<= (apply max data-ranks) 1)
            (apply rank-1 (flatten (map array-items unboxed-l)))

I would like to pass in a data-item, and then see the value of
unboxed-a and then step once more and see the value of unboxed-l and
so on, all the way through the procedure.

Any suggestions for how to visually see what my functions are doing?

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