On 11/6/07, Peter Wright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> This egg announcement inspired me to ask a couple of questions -
> On 06/11 07:09:28, felix winkelmann wrote:
> > On 11/6/07, naruto canada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > ok my first egg is ready.
> [ ... ]
> > > http://downloads.sourceforge.net/math-linux/predicate-calculus.egg
> >
> > Thanks, Naruto!
> >
> > I have added the egg to the repository, it should be available soon.
> I've recently been trying to work out how to build a Chicken app with
> statically-linked extensions. This was useful:
> http://galinha.ucpel.tche.br:8080/chicken-setup#linking-extensions-statically
> The instructions mostly worked correctly (see example below), though
> the only way I could think to make absolutely sure it was linking an
> extension statically was to make the contents of
> /usr/local/lib/chicken/3 temporarily unreadable.
> Using Naruto's predicate-calculus egg as a test (thanks, Naruto :)), I
> modified the predicate-calculus.setup as described in the above link
> (patch attached) and rebuilt/reinstalled it - then made a trivial test
> program:
> ---------------- pct.scm --------------------------------------------
> (declare (uses predicate-calculus))
> (begin
>   (display "This is a static-linking test.")
>   (newline)
>   (write (clausal-form '(all x (all y (=> (P x y) (Q x y))))))
>   (newline)
>   (display "The above line should show \"(((not (P ?x10 ?x11)) (Q ?x10
> ?x11)))\".")
>   (newline))
> ---------------- pct.scm --------------------------------------------
> I managed to build a standalone executable like so (using '$' to
> indicate a shell prompt):
> $ csc -c++ -static-extensions -c pct.scm
> $ csc -c++ -static-libs pct.o /usr/local/lib/chicken/3/predicate-calculus.o
> -o pct
> (though the -static-libs wasn't necessary just to link the extension
> statically, of course)
> Anyway, the upshot is that I have two questions. If anyone can suggest
> an answer (or two), that'd be good :-).
> First - is there a "nicer" way to build a Chicken app with
> statically-linked extensions?
> To clarify, I mean that I couldn't figure out a way to build a working
> pct without explicitly including
> /usr/local/lib/chicken/3/predicate-calculus.o
> in the link phase (see above).
> Is there a way to avoid this? The chicken-setup link above suggests
> that it could be done like the below, but this doesn't work:
> $ csc -static-extensions pct.scm -uses predicate-calculus
> pct.o: In function `f_26':
> pct.c:(.text+0x5cc): undefined reference to `C_predicate_calculus_toplevel'
> pct.o: In function `f_23':
> pct.c:(.text+0x643): undefined reference to `C_predicate_calculus_toplevel'
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> *** Shell command terminated with exit status 1: gcc pct.o -o pct
> -L/usr/local/lib  -Wl,-R/usr/local/lib -lm -ldl -lchicken
> $
> This doesn't really matter a _great_ deal - I can explicitly link the
> extension .o files in the final link phase without too much effort - I
> just feel that it should be something the compiler can work out for me.
> Maybe. :)
> Second question (or perhaps a group of questions) - does anyone have
> any idea how many of the 348 or so Chicken eggs are set up for static
> linking? The link I mentioned above states:
>   If you require a statically linkable version of an egg that has not been
>   converted yet, contact the extension author or the CHICKEN mailing list.
> Is there a Grand Plan(tm) to convert existing eggs for static linking?
> It looks like the process should be pretty straightforward, but just
> hasn't been done yet for some (many? most? all?) eggs.

There are three steps to solve your problem completely.
First step is to simply recreate all the eggs' ".setup" file to
simultaneously build both ".so" and ".o".

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: /root/t  cat predicate-calculus.setup
(compile -s -O2 -d1 predicate-calculus.scm)
(compile -c -O2 -d1 predicate-calculus.scm -unit predicate-calculus)
  `("predicate-calculus.o" "predicate-calculus.so" "predicate-calculus.html")

Second step is simply left a choice for the person who wants static
lib to do like this:

ar rv liball.a /usr/lib/chicken/3/*.o
csc -c++ -static-extensions -c pct.scm
csc -c++ -static -static-libs pct.o -o pct -lall -L.

Third step requires that egg tutorial be amended to instruct future
egg writer to create both ".so" and ".o" in their ".setup" file.


> Of course I appreciate that some (many? most?) Chicken users may not
> care very much about statically-linkable extensions, but... er...
> well, I think some of us do. :)
> If it's largely a matter of just doing the boring grunt work of
> patching the .setup files and testing... well, I'm happy to try doing
> that, at least for the eggs that I use most frequently (Naruto, see
> attached :)).
> Or are there some hideously tricky potential problems that I haven't
> noticed yet? If so, I bet it involves those bloody macros. Sigh.
> > BTW, the current egg count is 348. Two more to go!
> I'm sure CPAN will have to admit defeat soon. :-)
> > cheers,
> > felix
> Thanks,
> Pete.
> --
> "Expressions including c (call-with-current-continuation) function
> calls tend to be hopelessly difficult to track down. This was, of
> course, the reason for including it in the language in the first place."
>     -- Unlambda: Your Functional Programming Language Nightmares Come True

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