Yeh, the UI in C.

Well, you have to decide where the borders are so this flexibility
requires some discipline.

The cleaner the separation the easier it would be to swap to say
Qtopia on a mobile device if you needed to.

Personally, I just throw stuff together and see if it runs on my phone
and then (if I have time) go back and re-factor it so I am not sure
how much mileage you would get from looking at my code right now but
here it is:



On 06/12/2007, minh thu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> John :
> > [...]
> > In terms of GUI, well I just use GTK+ as IMO it is fairly high-level
> > and abstracted enough from raw C that it is pretty easy to use. You
> > also get the benefit of cut 'n pasting a lot of pre-written code if
> > you go this route. Chicken embeds easily into a GTK+ app. I just do
> > the interface code in GTK+ and backend in Chicken.
> Do you mean you write the ui with gtk+ in C ? How is the wiring
> between that and Chicken done (which one calls the other and how) ?
> Thanks
> mt

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