Daishi Kato scripsit:

> Is this an expected behavior? --daishi
> Version 2.732 - linux-unix-gnu-x86      [ manyargs dload ptables applyhook 
> cross ]
> (c)2000-2007 Felix L. Winkelmann        compiled 2007-12-04 on spirits (Linux)
> #;1> (use environments)
> ; loading /usr/local/chicken-2.732/lib/chicken/3/environments.so ...
> #;2> (define env (make-environment))
> #;3> (eval '(let ((x 2)) `(1 2 ,x)) env)
> Error: unbound variable: ##sys#list

Sure.  If you create an empty environment and then invoke macros that
generate calls to functions not in that environment, errors are exactly
what you should expect.  In this case, the macro "quasiquote" generates
calls to the function "##sys#list":

#;6> (macroexpand '`(1 2 ,x))
(##sys#list (quote 1) (quote 2) x)

Don't be so humble.  You're not that great.             John Cowan
        --Golda Meir                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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