2008/1/8, felix winkelmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Jan 8, 2008 12:09 PM, minh thu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Say I write in csi somethign like
> > (for-each-line (lambda (line) (display line)))
> > which will read from current-input-port,
> Correct.
> >
> > how can I end the input (if I use ctrl-d, it stops csi too) ?
> You will have to handle it yourself. One way would be to
> check the input (say, an empty line) and abort the iteration:
> (call/cc
>   (lambda (continue)
>     (for-each-line
>       (lambda (line)
>         (when (string=? "" line) (continue #f))
>         ...))))
> > How can I make csi display another prompt while reading ?
> #;1> (repl-prompt (lambda () "::: "))
> ::: 123
> 123
> ::: 456
> 456
> ::: (+ 3 4)
> 7
> cheers,
> felix

Great, thanks

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