14 Jan 2008 18:02:15 -0200, Mario Domenech Goulart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi minh thu,
> On Mon, 14 Jan 2008 15:02:55 +0100 "minh thu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Currently, I use a makefile to build an egg. Is it possible to create
> > it with the same process .meta file is automatically used when
> > committing in svn (i.e. locally, with no real commit)?
> I don't know if I understand what you want.  Maybe the script below
> can do the trick.  It packs an egg based on the information from the
> meta file found under the given egg directory.
> It assumes tar is installed and it doesn't generate the HTML
> documentation from eggdoc or wiki files (just ignores it).
> Example of use:
> $ csi -s eggify.scm ~/src/chicken-eggs/spiffy/trunk
> spiffy-base.scm
> spiffy.scm
> ssp-handler.scm
> web-scheme-handler.scm
> cgi-handler.scm
> simple-directory-handler.scm
> spiffy.setup
> $ cp ~/src/chicken-eggs/spiffy/trunk/spiffy.egg .
> $ chicken-setup spiffy.egg
>   gzip -d -c ../spiffy.egg | tar xf -
>   /usr/local/chicken-2.732/bin/csc -feature compiling-extension -s -O2 
> -no-trace spiffy-base.scm
>   /usr/local/chicken-2.732/bin/csc -feature compiling-extension -s -O2 
> -no-trace ssp-handler.scm
>   ...
>   rm -fr spiffy.egg-dir
> ----------------8<------------------------
> (use posix (srfi 1))
> (define (eggify eggdir)
>   (let* ((metafiles (glob (make-pathname eggdir "*" "meta"))))
>     (when (null? metafiles)
>       (die "Couldn't find any metafile."))
>     (let* ((metafile (car metafiles))
>            (metadata (handle-exceptions exn
>                                         (die metafile ": syntax error.")
>                                         (with-input-from-file metafile read)))
>            (egg (car (alist-ref 'egg metadata)))
>            (eggname (pathname-file egg))
>            (doc-from-wiki (alist-ref 'doc-from-wiki metadata))
>            (eggdoc (alist-ref 'eggdoc metadata))
>            (files (alist-ref 'files metadata)))
>       (when (or doc-from-wiki eggdoc) ;; ignores documentation
>         (set! files (delete (make-pathname #f eggname "html") files)))
>       (change-directory eggdir)
>       (system (string-append "tar czvf " egg " " (string-intersperse 
> files))))))
> (define (usage #!optional exit-code)
>   (print "Usage: " (program-name) " <egg-dir>")
>   (when exit-code
>     (exit exit-code)))
> (define (die . msg)
>   (print (apply conc msg))
>   (exit 1))
> (let ((args (command-line-arguments)))
>   (if (< (length args) 1)
>       (usage 1)
>       (let ((arg1 (car args)))
>         (if (member arg1 '("-h" "--help" "-help"))
>             (usage 0)
>             (begin
>               (unless (file-exists? arg1)
>                 (die eggdir " does not exist."))
>               (eggify arg1))))))
> ---------------->8------------------------
> Best wishes,
> Mario

Gee, I wasn't asking for that much ! You correctly understood,
although I was talking about the code used by the svn hook.

Thanks a lot,

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