Well, of cource we can remain keyword args.
In any case, since we are changing the signature,
we can't care about the backward compatibility with more than two args.

Where can I look at the new code?
I tried to svn up now, only giving me of version 2.1.


At Wed, 13 Feb 2008 06:13:43 -0800 (PST),
Elf wrote:
> oh, also, i didnt say no-one was using the other args, only that no eggs
> depended on more than two args.  not many eggs use http-client directly, most
> use the server.  one of the things im working on needs the client to have
> certain functionality atm, though, so at least some of the extra args are
> useful.  i added some and took some away.
> -elf
> On Wed, 13 Feb 2008, Daishi Kato wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm one of the guy who messed up the http-client.
> > If nobody else is using other than two args,
> > why don't we make it much simpler (http:POST req args)
> > without keywords?
> >
> > A user who wants to customize POST method could do so using 
> > http:send-request.
> >
> > --daishi
> >
> > At Wed, 13 Feb 2008 01:41:52 -0800 (PST),
> > Elf wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> the POST method does not do what would normally be expected, in many cases.
> >> i am proposing to keep the first two args (request/request-server and args)
> >> and to keyword the rest, as well as adding an additional new arg for
> >> type (eg xml, form-urlencoded, multipart, etc).  it seems from the code 
> >> that
> >> this was originally envisioned, and if there are no objections i will
> >> implement it immediately.  i will patch any affected eggs as well, although
> >> my grep through the repo shows no egg using more than the first two args.
> >> the default will remain application/x-www-form-urlencoded so as not to 
> >> break
> >> existing apps.
> >>
> >> thoughts?
> >>
> >> -elf
> >>
> >>
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