the v3 repo should now reflect the change (no Connection:close for 1.1)


On Thu, 14 Feb 2008, Daishi Kato wrote:

At Wed, 13 Feb 2008 08:05:45 -0800 (PST),
Elf wrote:
oh, i added a utility procedure to take care of those sorts of cases.  if
youre reusing a connect, you can now do
  (http:request-attribute-add! reqobj attribname val) , which will either
add the attrib if its not there or change the previous val in place (no
header reordering) if it already exists.

Yeah, I found it useful. I've been using a similar util procedure
in my local code.

i was saying that i thought it should always lose connection, but graham
pointed out that i was incorrect.  theres a separate issue of 1.0 being default

OK, since I need partial support for HTTP/1.1,
plase do either the followings:

a) modify http:POST so that "Connection: close" is added
  only if the req is string.
b) modify http:POST and http:GET so that they never
  care the Connection header.


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