I have not had a chance to properly think this idea through yet but
thought I would throw it out to the lions (chickens) for some

In a mobile client application I am developing I currently embed
Chicken into Gtk+. The client communicates with 2 servers. One
connection uses plain s-expressions the other uses binary encoded
s-expressions. This works fine but does add complication to the

In the embedded Linux world D-Bus seems a popular inter-process
communication tool (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D-Bus).

So I was wondering if it is feasible to develop some kind of
s-expression based daemon which talks D-Bus. The Gtk+ client(s) can
then talk dbus to send/receive data. The s-expression daemon mux's the
communication to external TCP servers using s-expression based
protocols. The client will then not need to have Chicken embedded and
can use the in-built D-Bus features of glib. Ideally the s-expression
mux'er could be configured to switch between binary and text encoding
depending on requirements. Or even perhaps throttle traffic or try and
limit costs over an expensive mobile link.

So any feedback on the idea appreciated,


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