
Just a few comments from a Chicken user.

I really like searchable, accessible and editable documents on the
web. On the other hand, I have never used any docs shipped with eggs -
it's simply to much hassle to browse the directories if I can type two
words in Google. Wiki docs (and eggs concept) were the two main
features that
attracted me to Chicken, BTW.

I don't want any API docs automatically generated from source code
comments - when separated from the code these comments are just a pile
of useless random notes. Documentation _must_ be written in separation
from the code. Yes, it is an additional effort, bu if you can't afford
it simply don't bother writing any documentation.


On Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 7:54 PM, Elf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  id like to entitle this next rant 'why wikis are highly suboptimal for
>  documentation', if i may.
>  approximately 9 hours ago, i noticed that the documentation that i had
>  changed in the http wikidoc wasnt generating correctly.  (for those
>  wondering for future endeavours, its not possible at the moment to
>  do nested tables directly.  or tables with any wiki-markup at all.  or
>  any other markup.  or ... you get the idea.)
>  running through all those hoops only took about 2 hours before i realised
>  that no markup would work inside existing markup.  luckily, theres the
>  scheme tag, to allow embedded evaluation of expressions.  (and again, for
>  those wondering, yes, the entire thing is generated via about 90 calls
>  to (display) with static strings.)
>  so we're about 4 hours in now, and things work about 95% of the way.  its not
>  handling margins properly and its not aligning text as specified.  no biggie,
>  right?
>  this took the following 5 hours.  and theres absolutely no reason why it
>  should have taken more than 30 mins from the beginning, but im more than
>  willing to allow for strange edge cases taking a bit longer.
>  so why did it take so long?
>  a) im stuck in a tiny window in a tiny screen with no real text manipulation
>     abilities.
>  b) theres no search and replace.  theres no way of even killing lines off.
>  c) cut and paste is fickle about where the mosue is, not where the cursor
>     is.
>  d) theres no undo.  theres no redo.  theres no means of even taking it 
> offline
>     effectively.
>  e) and the real dealbreaker.... once i was 99.99% done .... and loading the
>     preview... it froze in the middle of displaying.  claimed it was done (ie,
>     not a network error or something.)  theres no buttons at the top to force
>     a save or anything.  meaning at 8.5 hours in, i had to start over almost
>     from the beginning.
>  now, if we're going to be doing a hackathon with a focus (so far) on
>  documentation and participation, how long do you think it will be before
>  people get sufficiently frustrated that they throw up their hands and leave?
>  wikis are not a viable solution for documentation that rarely requires
>  editing and even more rarely needs editing by the world at large.
>  they are an excellent means of handling bugtracking, issue requests,
>  public discussion, docs that DO get edited frequently or randomly, etc.
>  they are not an excellent means of documenting a project.
>  i am not in any way trying to criticise the excellent work done by
>  alejandro in creating the wiki, nor mario in his tireless maintenance of
>  the wiki site, nor am i in any way advocating for the removal of web docs,
>  nor saying that the wiki sucks, nor am i criticisng those who think
>  that everything should be through the wiki.
>  i am recounting the reality of the last half day of my life.  i am trying
>  to raise what i consider to be a legitimate question on the wisdom
>  and prudence of continuing to force a system to operate far beyond its
>  original intent in design, and whether massively expanding its role is
>  really such a good idea.
>  -elf
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