I use an s-expression based protocol description similar to ASN.1 and
then binary encode the values of that in a bit unaligned way. It is
not a generic serialization of s-expressions like the s11n egg. I am
very interested though in all kinds of ways of binary encoding high
level protocol descriptions.



On 15/02/2008, Shawn Rutledge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  What kind of binary S-expression format are you planning to use?
>  That's very much of interest to me, but I figured there needs to be a
>  new standard for exchanging bse's across different versions of scheme
>  (and even other languages, later).  I have an experimental thing I
>  call gtf (generic tree format) which might work: just a kind of tree
>  in which all the symbols have been moved out into a symbol table, and
>  then are referenced by offset.  But that is not Scheme-specific at
>  all; I intended it to be a replacement for XML actually.  It could be
>  a way of representing Scheme "source" compactly, but it's not as cool
>  as the Kali idea of sending closures from one Scheme to another.  That
>  idea is still voodoo to me, but I wish I understood it better.

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