On 16/02/2008, Leonardo Valeri Manera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 15 Feb 2008 18:08:41 -0200, Mario Domenech Goulart
> > Nah, Arto has solved our problem long ago! :-)
> > http://trac.callcc.org/log/<EGG>?limit=100&mode=stop_on_copy&format=rss
> > Substitute <EGG> by the name of the egg you want the RSS for.
> I was actually thinking of an egg-release feed - those of us who
> aren't developers just get confombulated by all the rest of the stuff

How about a feed with only brand new eggs in and no updates?

I appear to be temporarily using gmail's horrible interface. I
apologise for any failure in my part in trying to make it do the right
thing with post formatting.

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