On Feb 16, 2008 8:11 AM, Hans Nowak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Mark Fredrickson wrote:
> > I suggest we draft Hans (http://4.flowsnake.org/) for the Python doc.
> :-)
> I was actually going to write such a document last year... the Python
> programmer's guide to Chicken, or something.  As it turns out, I am much
> better
> at pointless blathering than at writing solid documentation. :-/  So for
> now, my
> "Python vs Scheme" posts will have to fill that void.

Just curious, how many of us on the list are (or were) Python users? I still
write and support a lot of Python code, and there was a time when I thought
of myself as a Pythonista. :-)

For the record, my language trajectory (where I've actually written serious
code) is C, Java, Python, Lisp, Scheme.

The CL community has a "My Road to Lisp" meme, where CL users write up a
quick story on how they "arrived". I'd *love* to hear people's My Road to
Chicken stories.

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