On Feb 19, 2008 2:10 PM, Jim Ursetto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Your topic idea is interesting.  My opinion, for what it's worth, is that it
> imposes too much on the user when required for every definition.  Instead, if
> any topic indexing is to be done in the future, I think the topics could be
> drawn from the egg tags themselves.

Well, it could be handled in a cascading fashion. A tag on the egg
would suffice, but a tag on the procedure could enhance or override
it. Take an egg like miscmacros, which itself is hard to classify, but
whose procedures could be tagged with 'list-manipulation',
'conditionals', etc.

> I think using the egg tags (categories) would be sufficient for any future
> index.  Any more granular and there is a high barrier to entry.  Users would
> avoid changing entries for fear of putting something in the wrong category;
> old hands would get fatigued at choosing topics for every definition.

Perhaps, but it would make a nice hackathon job: if the mechanism is
there, someone could zip through an egg's doc and tag a few dozen
specialized procedures.

I agree that in general an egg-level tag is enough; but there are lots
of corner cases. Procedure level tags should be optional, but could be


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