> On 2/19/08, Alejandro Forero Cuervo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Alright. I suppose I'll highlight the procedure name and make sure it
> > gets typeset in monospaced font, as:
> >
> > [procedure] {{('''proc''' a b)}}
> I would like it if that line were wrapped in a <div> e.g.
> <div class="definition">...</div> so that it can be styled via CSS
> with borders, a background, or something.  (Like the current ones,
> which have a background/border that comes from <pre>.)
> Span tags, e.g. <span class="type">[procedure]</span> and
> <span class="signature">(proc a b)</signature> would probably
> be nice but not as important as the <div>.

Good thinking.


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