On Fri, 22 Feb 2008 12:34:36 +0100 Peter Bex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Fri, Feb 22, 2008 at 02:38:25AM -0800, Alejandro Forero Cuervo wrote:
> > So what about the idea of adding a (supported-releases 2.3 3.0.0) tag
> > to the meta file, where particular versions of an egg that needs to do
> > so specify which is the range of Chicken releases it supports?
> Actually, this is a much better idea as it also provides better granularity
> than the current system.  I have a practical problem *right now* with my
> soon-to-be-released wmiirc egg.  It _requires_ chicken 3.0.1 (because of
> a change in the way printf works on ports), but I can't currently express
> this in the meta file/repos tree, afaik.  So it's located in the
> release/3 but it won't actually work with the 3.0.0 release.

In this case I think you should create a custom procedure to replace
printf (maybe using printf's code from 3.0.1?).  When the next repo
branch takes place, you can switch back to the stock printf.

It'd be a temporary kludgy hack, but it should work (and it'd work
much better than requiring a chicken version which does not exist :-)).

Best wishes,

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