Hi there,

While converting some more documentation to the wiki, I noticed something

* There's both a tk and a PS-tk egg.  Neither of these is marked deprecated.
* PS-tk seems to be a derivative of tk
* PS-tk has a BSD license, tk has some "Bremer License" I never heard of

Are these really so different that neither can be marked deprecated?  And
what's up with the license?  My German is not very good and I certainly
can't translate 7 pages of German legalese, but I doubt that this is
compatible with the simple 3-clause BSD license, so can PS-tk just change
the license like that?

To make matters worse, the original "scheme_wish" code upon which both
say they're based is for "noncommercial use only"
(according to a small note at http://pi7.fernuni-hagen.de/hartrumpf/)

Can someone please clear this up?

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