Hi Adhi,

On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 8:29 PM, Adhi Hargo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How can one get the latest html-dump of the doc?

There isn't an official one, AFAIK. The wiki content is stored in the
svn repo, and you can always get the latest version there, but it's in
wiki markup, not HTML.

I've set up a quick hack to snapshot the wiki from svn, and generate a
tarball. It's available at


Next week I'll set up a cron job to refresh this nightly; at the
moment it is a snapshot of the wiki as of about an hour ago.

Warning, there are probably some wiki elements that did not convert
properly; I'm using a modified version of a script called wiki2html,
described here:


It is not "perfect" but it is pretty good.

Please let me know if this helps; if not, I'll probably not bother
with the cron job. ;-)


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