I'm trying to make some sense of the various URLs and domain names relating to Chicken. This is what I've come up with so far. I'd appreciate revisions,
additions or suggestions.

Official Alternate (Deprecated?)

Master Chicken site     www.call-with-current-continuation.org
Wiki chicken.wiki.br galinha.ucpel.tche.br
Trac                    trac.callcc.org
Chicken Users list      lists.nongnu.org/mailman/listinfo/chicken-users
Chicken Hackers list lists.nongnu.org/mailman/listinfo/chicken- hackers

I wasn't successful in using any of the new domain names, chickenscheme.org, chickenscheme.net, chicken-scheme.com, chicken-scheme.org, or chicken- scheme.net with either Safari or Firefox (they all reported 404s), even though nslookup reported that they all resolve to, as does www.call- with-current-
continuation.org. I assume that this is due to server configuration.


a. When does chicken-scheme.org or one of the other new names become the official

b. Is there anything else on callcc.org of interest to the public, apart from
the Trac site?

c. Are there any other URLs of interest here?

By the way, for the last few days, I have been unable to access any page on the wiki except for the front page. Following any links on the site generates
a 404. Anyone else encounter this?

-- v

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