I believe I know the cause of the error with chicken-setup. It
appears that Chicken is unable to find any file in the MinGW

csi> (file-exists? (make-absolute-pathname "/usr/local/bin" "chicken.exe"))

$ ls /usr/local/bin/chicken.exe

The file exists in /usr/local/bin under the directory where MinGW is
installed, but the corresponding system call probably tries to find
that file in /usr/local/bin as a top-level directory. So when
chicken-setup tries to run csc, it does something like (system
"/usr/local/bin/csc" ...) and that fails because csc.exe is not found
in that location. The same goes for the case when csc tries to run the
chicken compiler.


Ivan Raikov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>  2) The chicken compiler works, but the csc driver program doesn't:
>     $ echo "(print \"Hello, world!\")" > hello.scm
>     $ chicken hello.scm
>     compiling `hello.scm' ...
>     generating `hello.c'...
>     $ csc hello.scm
>     (some garbage characters ...)

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