hi There is something about macro expansion and csc that i dont understand. I have a macro with-optkeys that calls expand-optkeys to compute a form. I define the macro and the expansion function together in my main file "main.scm" , and then i actually USE the macro to define functions in an api file that gets included, lets call it "myfuncs.scm":

;; main.scm

(define-macro (with-optkeys spec . body)
 (expand-optkeys (car spec) (cdr spec) body))

(define (expand-optkeys args vars body)
  `(let (...) ,@body))

(include "myfuncs.scm")

;; myfuncs.scm

(define (foo . input)
 (with-optkeys (input  (x #t) (y -99) z)
   (list x y z)))

Now when I try to generate my cpp program it bombs

csc -c++ -embedded -t main.scm

Error: during expansion of (with-optkeys ...) - unbound variable: expand-optkeys

How do i get the (define expand-optkeys ...) to be defined so that my api functions can expand to it when i generate my cpp program?

(if i move the contents of main.scm to the top of myfuncs.scm and then LOAD myfuncse into csi then the api functions defined therein work.)

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