readline control-c does work. if its not catching it its because your system is thrashing.

according to srfi-1, length is not defined for circular lists. if you want a circular-list length, you need something like...

;; this assumes that it circles at the beginning:
(define (length* l)
    (cond ((list? l)
              (length l))
          ((circular-list? l)
              (let loop ((t   (cdr l))
                         (c   1))
                  (if (eq? t l)
                      (loop (cdr l) (+ 1 c)))))
              (##sys#signal-hook #:type-error 'length*
                                 "argument is not a list or circular-list"

its much more expensive to check if it circles at any point:
(define (length* l)
    (cond ((list? l)
              (length l))
          ((circular-list? l)
              (let loop ((t   (cdr l))
                         (p   (list l))
                         (c   1))
                  (if (memq t p)
                      (loop (cdr l) (cons t p) (+ 1 c)))))
              (##sys#signal-hook #:type-error 'length*
                                 "argument is not a list or circular-list"

why this works:
eq? (and memq) test for pointer equality.  circular lists are circular because
some cdr points to a previous pair.


On Mon, 7 Apr 2008, Alex Rozenshteyn wrote:

(define a (list 'a))
(set-cdr! a a)
;a is now a cyclic "list"
(pair? a) ; -> #t
(list? a) ; -> #f
(length a)

and now the interpreter gets stuck.
control-c does not break (this is because I have the readline egg

I have two questions:
1) How do I get C-c to break?
2) Is the interpreter supposed to freeze if length is passed a cyclic list?
Other scheme implementations generate an error.

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