many people on #chicken and the list have requested a simple remote-repl
egg.  some people have requested a not-so-simple remote-repl egg, too. :)

your requests have been answered.  there is a new remote-repl egg as soon
as the repo gets updated.  it should be plugin-able to any existing code
without modification. it doesnt require any knowledge of threads or conditions. its highly configurable: it uses the tcp egg by default, but you can tell it to use any type of sockets or wrappers that you'd like. it supports authentication, if you want it. it supports evaluation in any
type of environment; everything is hooked on a per-session/per-server basis.

for those of you who dont want or need anything so fancy, the defaults are (like i said) tcp and no auth, so you only NEED to specify a port and hostname.
errors are handled nicely, so you dont have to worry about some typo in the
repl erroring out your whole process.  all of that is handled under the hood,
even if you do use the hooks.

hope this satisfies the requests.  let me know if it doesnt.


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