On Sun, Nov 2, 2008 at 7:14 AM, Shawn Rutledge
> 1) export QTDIR=/usr
> 2) export QMAKESPEC=macx-g++
>       (to get a Makefile rather than XCode project)
> 3) tar zxvf qt.egg and modify the last line of qt.pro like this:
>       QT+=opengl xml
> 4) chicken-setup
> Felix - I think maybe you don't need to depend on QTDIR at all; it's
> probably OK to require that qmake be in the user's path.  For anyone
> who's doing Qt development, it would tend to be.  There is not always
> a top level Qt directory - in fact I consider that to be poor system
> integration, which the Qt install process gives you by default when
> you build it from source (installing _everything_ to
> /usr/local/Trolltech does not conform to any system standard...
> besides what are they going to do, change it to /usr/local/Nokia now?
> But at least you can change it when you run configure.)  When
> installed via the gentoo ebuild, or when you install the Qt binary
> package on MacOS, qmake is in /usr/bin, as it should be IMO.

Thanks, Shawn. I'll check this as soon as possible (which may take a while),
perhaps I can improve the setup script to work better on mac. There is indeed
some problem on OS X (as you note in your next mail), but I can't recall
right now. I'll check that, too.


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