I'm experimenting with storing programs inside a wiki page.  You can
see one example in my recently announced xc program:


There's a “Download: xc” link at the top; the resulting file is the
result of appending the contents of most “<enscript>” tags.  Of
course, anyone may temporarily modify the contents, so the file at
that link should not be trusted (unless one verifies the history of
the wiki page).  I don't expect this functionality to take over the
purpose of blessed releases.

That said, allowing anyone to modify the program through a wiki page
has its own charm.  We'll see what happens.  I *may* gradually start
to store my Chicken eggs in the Chicken wiki (and periodically
reverting changes there or merging them to the trunk and making new
releases).  I'd think of it as an "untrusted, anyone may modify"

As I said, this is just an experiment.  We'll see what comes out.



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