On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 6:58 PM, John Cowan <co...@ccil.org> wrote:
> felix winkelmann scripsit:
>> The handling of backslashes as escaping characters is not the problem,
>> it seems. If I pass this string (verbatim, just like it is printed here) to
>> system(3):
>> "c:\home\chicken-trunk\bin\csi" -bnq -e "(require-library setup-api)"
>> -e "(import setup-api)" "c:\...some...path...\defstruct.setup"
>> I get an error message that tells me that the program
>> "c:\home\chicken-trunk\bin\csi" -bnq -e ""
> That suggests to me is that what's happening is that system(foo) is
> spawning the shell (from $SHELL or $COMSPEC) with "/c \" + foo + "\"".
> If foo already has quotation marks in it, you're hosed.

That would mean it is impossible to pass arguments containing whitespace.
Can it be that bad?


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