im using chicken 3.0.0 . I have a file with some define-macro in it like this:

(define-macro (send place . args)
 (expand-send place args))

I include that file in my main file ChickenBridge.scm

(include "mymacros.scm")
(unit cm)
(uses extras )
... send

I csc main main file and build my exictuable

csc -c++ -embedded -t ChickenBridge.scm

now when i start my executable my functions work but the send maco isnt defined:

(send "mp:tuning" 3)
Error: unbound variable: send

ive also tried

(define-for-syntax (send place . args)
 (expand-send place args))

but that doesnt work either. Im not sure what im doing wrong, im pretty sure I had this working at some point! Any help would be greatly appreciated. I read the faq but i cant get define-syntax to work either.


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