On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 11:58 PM, Eduardo Cavazos
<wayo.cava...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> What could I change that to such that blobs are allowed as the second
>> argument?

void  glGetDoublev( GLenum pname, ___byte_vector params );

(The egg should probably be updated to replace or alias ___blob to

Note: you will receive an incompatible type warning as Chicken will
attempt to pass a char* (the blob) to a function expecting double*
without a cast.  In practice that should not cause a problem.

You could instead use blob->f64vector/shared, in which case your
example becomes:

(let ((bv (make-blob (* 16 8))))
  (glGetDoublev GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX (blob->f64vector/shared bv))

I am not sure if you can declare a foreign type transformation on
GLdouble* to perform this conversion automatically (nor whether that
would be a good idea).  You could write wrappers to do this though.
Once you get to that point, though, your original method starts to
look more attractive...

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