On Sat, Mar 07, 2009 at 11:46:03PM +0100, felix winkelmann wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 3:11 PM, Taylor Venable <tay...@metasyntax.net> wrote:
> >
> > I have no direct evidence that it was an infinite recursion.  It was
> > just a guess by the symptoms, but admittedly I have little knowledge
> > of Chicken's internals.  Sorry for the noise on that.  The symptoms
> > are that CPU usage increases to max, memory usage increases steadily,
> > and the process appears to hang.
> Oh, it may very well be a recursion. I was just asking in case there
> is anything that points into that direction, to give us a hint at what's
> going wrong here.
> >
> > Adding "-debug p" produces no output, even when removing "-quiet".
> > When I remove "-no-trace" and add "-debug p" it also fails in the same
> > way.  But when I remove both "-no-trace" and "-debug p" it works.  So
> > it fails when "-no-trace" and/or "-debug p" is specified, but works OK
> > when neither is specified.
> Hm... What happens if you add "-:d" and/or "-:s500k" (or "-:s1m")?
> It is possible that different stack settings influence the behaviour.
> Is chicken-boot built with -g ? If not, could you add it and run it
> under gdb, producing a backtrace by interrupt the program if it
> hangs? Sorry, but this is likely to need quite a lowlevel approach.

The bug becomes more and more phantasmagorical!

When initially compiling chicken-boot with "make PLATFORM=linux
DEBUGBUILD=yes bootstrap" the bug does not appear.

When using -:d OR -:s500k OR -:s1m the bug does not appear.

When run inside GDB (even without debugging symbols) the bug does not

Taylor Christopher Venable

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